
New Year; Renewed Vision and Purpose

It’s a New Year! 2024 is here and the mission is now! Like every new year we see the opportunity for Troops Haul Junk to examine our vision and purpose in our communities and to our Veteran and First Responder Families. So, what is the vision? What is the purpose? How do we accomplish the mission?

The vision is Huge. And it takes a team to carry it.

Our vision has, and always will be to provide the highest quality and level of service to our communities through junk removal, cleanouts, and demolitions. But the vision is so much more than just cleaning up our cities and towns one project at a time. The vision is providing our country’s servicemen and servicewomen, as well as first responders, an opportunity to serve again in a tight knit unit. These men and women are accustomed to working in team environments where collaboration and camaraderie are key. These skills translate seamlessly into our junk removal teams that are efficient and effective in getting the job done right the first time, everytime. In this, “our troops” are not only the carriers of the vision - they are the vision.

New Year; Renewed Vision and Purpose

A Renewal of Purpose with Every Pickup.

Our ownership knows firsthand that a man or woman without direction in life can get lost. Troops Haul Junk specializes in getting men and women coming off the front lines back to work and back on mission by providing vital services in the community. For veterans and first responders, after living life daily on the front lines, civilian life can feel mundane. Finding renewed purpose is a crucial aspect of reintegration into homelife. Junk removal, in its basic essence, is about decluttering spaces, so you might think it seems like.a profession worlds away from the structured ranks of the military. But our soldiers incorporate many of the same principles gathered from service - discipline, organization, and mission-oriented thinking just to name a few. We have seen first-hand how the act of clearing out physical spaces becomes therapeutic, to both our clients and our team members, offering a tangible and visual representation of bringing order to chaos. Not only is every pickup, every load taken to the landfill or recycling center a mission accomplished, it benefits the veterans mental and emotional health which are the essence of why Troops Haul Junk exists. Furthermore, the work experience gained by our have can even lead to opportunities in franchise ownership and leading teams of their own under the Troops Haul Junk banner.

Won The War…Not Yet, But We Win Everyday

Junk is neverending, and our goal of impacting the lives of servicemen and women has just begun. This we know - it is because of the hard work and dedication of our team that the vision continues to succeed. We believe that our clients, in turn, know that they can trust our services because they are being provided by heroes that have already laid their lives on the line. Every junk removal, clean out, and demolition is an opportunity for the troops of Troops Haul Junk to show their heart and diligence toward transitioning clients from clutter and chaos to freedom and a life well-lived.

Join Our Success.

Are you, or do you know, a veteran or first-responder that would be a valuable member of our Troop family? Please let us know. At Troops Haul Junk we are always looking for expanding opportunities to serve alongside our brothers and sisters in job placement and business ownership. Please reach out to us at [email protected].