
T.E.A.M. Together Entrepreneurs Achieve More

“I wanted to be a neurologist. That seemed to be the most difficult, intriguing, and most important aspect of medicine, which had links with psychology, aggression, behavior, and human affairs. The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.”

~Roger Bannister, Athlete, Physician

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”

~Muhammad Ali, Professional Boxer, Activist

We learn various essential elements of entrepreneurship from the Roger Bannister story. Bannister had the determination and physical drive to break the 4-minute mile. While pursuing this goal and attending medical school, he was strongly warned by “professionals” that it was humanly impossible to run that distance in such a short amount of time. He was told his knees would give out, and his heart would fail.

We all hear certain platitudes in our lives. People often tell us just to accept things the way they are. This is a declaration of war against the entrepreneurial spirit. We are designed to break the norms and what is deemed the status quo. Our minds are Socratic, programmed to question the reality around us without ceasing.

After failing at the 1952 Olympics, Bannister spent two months deciding if he would give up running. He ultimately chose not to let failure guide his course. Instead, he realigned his focus and moved forward.

Bannister believed in doing what others claimed was impossible. However, it is important to note that he had a bigger vision; his goal was not, “I can break the 4-minute mile.” Instead, his goal was, “Mankind can break the 4-minute mile.”

Here is what was key: Roger did not just write a great speech or publish his research on breaking the record; he did it. On May 6, 1954, with minimal training under his belt, Bannister broke the 4-minute barrier, running the distance in 3:59.4. He modeled the necessary behavior to bring about the desired results. Moreover, he showed others what was possible, not just for him but for them. True change comes from a spirit of adoption when people can see living examples of what is possible. Many people have broken Bannister’s record since setting new standards for runners to complete the mile. But, unfortunately, his record lasted only forty-six days.

How did Bannister do it?

Here’s something we do not often read about in history: Bannister ran the race with two of his closest friends, Chris Chataway and Chris Brasher, to help pace him to a historic victory. Bannister is the one we hear about in history, but it was not Bannister who broke the impossible; it was the team.

We often see the front person receiving the credit for their great creations. For example, people like Steve Jobs and Walt Disney are entrepreneurial icons in the success of Apple and Mickey Mouse. However, Jobs did not create the first Apple I Computer; Steve Wozniak was the creator, and Disney was not that great of an artist when it came to drawing.

Entrepreneurial success is usually comprised of great teams that bring together the ideas of several talented people. Steve Jobs stated that the Beatles were good when they were solo but became really great when they were together. They canceled out the negatives in each other and created an excellent product, music, as a team. As entrepreneurs, we must possess the intuition to surround ourselves with people who are greater than us in certain areas, those who challenge us to higher levels.

As an entrepreneur for many years, I have worked with several industries from tech, to fitness, to building and service contractors. Growing up I was raised around blue-collar entrepreneurs which makes up a good amount of clients I serve in my digital marketing agency. I’ve noticed and measured how much value teamwork brings to an industry. In junk removal, Joseph Martinez and Chris Benson, founders of Troops Haul Junk have pioneered as entrepreneurs, creating a standard for service and honor in junk removal services. They are a band of brothers on a mission to not only serve their clients and one another, but also to those who work in their industry. They have devoted countless hours and mentorship to new business owners that seek guidance and leadership in their businesses. They’ve shown that teamwork is not just serving those that can benefit our own company interests, but can bring value to the industry as a whole.

“Veterans stick together and support one another. When we served on active duty, we realized the importance of working as a team. Though we’re no longer wearing the uniform, we still feel an obligation to support one another.”

~Joseph Martinez, Veteran, Co-Founder of Troops Haul Junk

“Troops Haul Junk is built on the core values of military service, leadership, and teamwork of the United States Armed Forces & First Responders. We encourage the highest caliber of interaction in all we do.”

~Chris Benson, Veteran, CEO of Troops Haul Junk

It is with the right team and strategic partnerships that we can accomplish each mission. Together, entrepreneurs achieve more.

To learn more about Troops Haul Junk and be part of the brotherhood serving across the U.S., visit TroopsHaulJunk.com.

By Jeff Glass, Tech Entrepreneur, Author, and Founder of MetaTech